“A timeless classic work. C.S. Lewis masterfully argues a robust Christian apologetic. Although written in 1952, it targets topics common to all generations.  Any and all believers wanting to further equip themselves to give cogent responses to unbelief must carefully and repeatedly read Mere Christianity. It was profoundly influential in my life at the age of 19 and it still is.”

— Joe Chi

“John Bunyan’s story of Christian and his journey to the Celestial City is my story. It is every believer’s story. This literary illustration is even a powerful presentation of the promises and perils of the Christian faith that ultimately ends well. Pilgrim’s Progress is a great tool to help young people understand the gospel and Christian story but definitely one still cherished by adult readers.”

— Joseph Chi

“A seminary professor once told me to choose one really good and reliable theologian and read and learn deeply from him. You can’t go wrong with John Calvin. If you’re going to read anything of Calvin it is and must be his Institutes. It is theological in every sense but deeply applicable and practical as well.”

— Dr. Joe Chi

“I used to think the Old Testament had nothing to do with Jesus. Edmund Clowney set me straight. This book demonstrates how Jesus is the center, meaning and fulfillment of every portion of Scripture, especially the Old Testament. If you’re not reading the Old Testament in this way, then you’re wasting your time.”

— Joey Chi

“This is a collection of sermons preached by an Old Princeton Seminary professor Geerhardus Vos. It’s thoroughly redemptive historical and heavily theological. So you may need a couple of reads to grasp them. But the effort will be worth it. These sermons show the richness of knowing Christ.”

— The Rev. Joseph Chi

“All believers are redeemed, period. Jesus accomplished this once for all for those who place their faith in Him as the Christ and Son of God. Nothing more needs to be added. However, Scripture, especially the New Testament, makes clear that what Jesus accomplished for you on the cross He desires to apply in your lives so that you may become more and more like Him. Again, John Murray carefully spells this out and details what Jesus has done for us and how we may, to use more laymen’s terms, grow as Christians.”

— Doc Chi